Invitation to Sponsor, Exhibit, and Advertise

Sponsor, Exhibit, and Advertising Types

COM.* 2014 offers organizations maximum exposure and recognition with this great event. Take advantage of these great promotional opportunities and select the level of sponsorship best suited for your organization.   

Platinum Sponsor N/A Gold Sponsor$4800 Banquet Sponsor (including a 30-minute plenary talk at banquet)$3800 Reception Sponsor$2800 Banquet 10-minute Plenary Product/Service Talk  (Monday Only)$680 Banner on Stage Screens (Wednesday Only)$580 Banner on Website and Print Materials$550 Plenary Tech Show (Up to 3-minute Video Play) $880 Plenary Tech Show (Up to 1-minute Video Play)$550

All of above are subject to availability. Please contact us to request COM.* 2014 Sponsor Prospectus and an application form.


Why to Advertise and Sponsor at COM.* Conference?

Stand out in the crowd. COM.* Conference and Exhibition is the best place to show yourselves in fast-growing computing for geospatial fields. Click here to see Who Have Attended.

COM.* conferences and summits have expanded to three more emerging tech areas, Big Data, driverless cars, and geospatial computing. COM.Geo has been playing a guiding role to advancing the technologies in computing for geospatial research and application since it was initiated 5 years ago.

This year, COM.* 2014 will focus on COM.BigData 2014, COM.DriverelessCar 2014, and COM.Geo 2014. All three will take place in the same time frame and conference center on August 4-6, 2014 in Washington DC as well as COM.* online Virtual Conference (VC).

There will be more innovative programs and world-wide people to attend the conference physically or virtually. Besides government agencies and top industries, many cross-disciplinary companies are planning to not only show their latest technologies but also explore tech & market potentials at the conference as well as online VC.

Several leading keynotes and insightful panels from U.S. federal government and world-class industries and universities will be open to all the attendees of the three conferences and summits. There will be a great opportunity for everyone to learn trends, share visions, exchange ideas, discuss details, and expand networking circles.

COM.* 2014 will be a much more exciting event for Big Data computing, driverless car computing, and geospatial computing research and technologies!

Leading-Edge Conference

Innovative research and products are the brightest spotlights in the conference. COM.* Conference provides multiple opportunities to domonstrate the leading-edge research and application technologies across the entire range of computing and geospatial, big data, and driverless car areas, which can both inform and inspire your product development, transform the results of company's research into the newest products, best services, and great sales.

Diverse Programs and Attendees

COM.* conference attracts scientists and engineers, software developers, decision makers, corporate managers, CIOs, and IT administrators all over the world. The diverse programs will give attendees the opportunity to learn latest technologies and new trends, explore the new products and solutions they need to stay at the leading edge of their professions.

Levels of Advertising and Sponsorship

COM.* conference offers organizations maximum exposure and recognition with this great event. Take advantage of these great promotional opportunities and select the level of sponsorship or advertising best suited for your organization to enhance your visibility, draw attention to your products/services.