COM.DriverlessCar 2014:                        Call For Presentation
The 1st International Summit on Driverless Car Computing


Driverless cars, also called self-driving cars or robot cars, are one of the great technological advances for the future transportation. With the investments by the U.S. government and innovative companies in recent years, several companies and research institutions working in the field have fully demonstrated that self-driving vehicles are technically viable nowadays. Moreover, the last decade has shown a great leap in public interest in driverless car technologies. There is a common goal of making driverless cars a reality by 2020's.

Although driverless car technology has become more and more viable recently, we still have a long way to go for self-driving in public. No matter how smart self-driving cars are, safety is the most important thing. Driverless cars do have the potential to positively benefits humanity. Car manufactures have continually added automation features to improve vehicle safety since many decades ago. A full 90 percent of accidents are caused by human errors, such as loss of focus, sleepiness, etc. But robot cars have great technology strengths on safety over human weaknesses. They can react in milliseconds to avoid accidents. This is why the first thing every advocate of driverless cars brings up is the technology's safety benefits.

Additionally, a variety of non-technical issues, such as legal, liability, regulatory, culture, privacy concerns, need to be addressed. These will help consumers trust the capability of driverless cars to give up control and embrace many potential benefits that driverless cars present.

Both tech and non-tech issues will impact driverless vehicle integration into tomorrow's roadway, in particular, the ecological problems because self-driving cars would be mostly propelled by electricity. Of especial importance would be the humanitarian aspect of this technology since driverless cars could significantly improve the quality of life of handicapped people.

Making a strategic decision for automotive innovation is top priority. Both federal governmental policy-makers and technology leaders may need to work together for these. So this is why we advocated the COM.DriverlessCar summit to build a bridge between two sides.

COM.DriverlessCar 2014, the International Summit on Driverless Car Computing,  is the premier forum featuring with a mixture of inspiring presentations and interactive discussions on driverless car technology and non-technical challenges. Researchers, practitioners, Policy-makers, decision-makers, and managers from government agencies, industry, and academia are invited to discuss the latest trends, strategies, challenges, research and applications as well as policies and business potentials for driverless cars.

COM.DriverlessCar 2014 will take place on Aug. 4-6, 2014 in Washington DC and online COM.* Virtual Conference (COM.* VC) in conjunction with COM.BigData 2014 and COM.Geo 2014 Summits.


The topics include but are not limited to:

  • Autonomous Driving Trends, Challenges, and Future
  • Autonomous / Intelligent Robotic Vehicles
  • Signal Processing, Image Processing, Computer Vision
  • Networks, Security, and Communication
  • Sensor, LiDAR, Radar Technologies
  • Accurate Positioning and Mapping
  • 3D Reconstruction, map matching
  • Data Fusion, Data Filtering, Big Data Computing
  • Novel Interfaces and Displays
  • Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality
  • Road Detection (Pavement and Signs)
  • Lane Detection, Lane keeping and Lane-level applications
  • Intelligent Vehicle Software Infrastructure
  • Autonomous navigation and guidance
  • Advanced Control Systems
  • Vehicle Environment Perception
  • Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems
  • Human Factors and Human Machine Interface
  • Collision Detection and Avoidance
  • Pedestrian Detection and Protection
  • Eco-driving and Energy-Efficient Vehicles
  • Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems
  • Impact on Traffic Flows
  • Safety, Effiency, Pollution, Accessibility
  • Liability, Regulatory, Culture, Privacy
  • End User Cases, Business Models

Submission Types

Papers (regular, short, briefing)
Tech Talks / Demo Talks (abstract only)
Demo Videos
Hot Short Talks

Manuscripts in PDF format must be electronically submitted for peer-review in IEEE standard-format. Accepted work will be published by IEEE for world distribution.  For detailed submission instructions, please visit the above links to the corresponding submission types.


Submission Deadlines and Important Dates

Please follow the deadlines of each submission type. Click here.