Panels / Panels+

Panels / Panels+ should be proposed by expects in computing and geospatial areas. A Panels / Panels+ Program will address emerging, controversial and critical issues in computing for geospatial research and application that are likely to have impact on the field and lead to exciting discussions and debates. We encourage panels/Panels+ that involve industry, academic and government participants. Topics might be any frontier research or frontier applications of Computing for Geospatial.

Panel+ is an extended Panels program, in combination with Tech Talks and Panels, first introduced successfully at the COM.Geo 2010 conference. In a Panel+, the open discussion and debates will be followed with several panelists' Tech Talks or Demos Talks. The length of the Panel+ is no more than 90 minutes.  One regular panel takes 30-50 minutes.

A prospective Panel/Panel+ organizer should submit a proposal to the conference, including:
Title of the panel or panel+
A 300-word abstract of the panel / panel + (i.e. the topic and issues to be discussed in the panel / panel+)
Name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information for the panel organizer(s)
Names, affiliations, and contact information of 3-4 panelists (in addition to the panel organizer(s))
Short bios of each participant
Panel or Panel+


All accepted Panel / Panel+ abstracts will be published by ACM in the conference proceedings and distributed in ACM Digital Library. Final camera-ready submissions should be up to 300-word abstracts and adhere to the abstract-only formatting guide. The ACM copyright form will be provided for the accepted abstracts for publication.

Please check Important Dates for submission and follow this link to submit your work: Submission Site.


Final Camera-Ready Panel/Panel+ Abstract Submission Instructions

In order for the course notes to be published by ACM and available at ACM Digital Library,

 (I) Camera Ready Panel/Panel+ Submission

The camera ready Panel/Panel+ abstract and Panelist information have to be submitted by the deadline as shown in Important Dates. For Panel+, if you would like to have the panelists' Tech Talk titles and abstracts included, please submit them together by by the deadline as shown in Important Dates. Also note the following important points:

  - Formatting

Please follow the abstract-only formatting guide.

 - Abstract Release Permission Form

Accepted authors will be sent the ACM Abstract Release Permission Form and complete instructions from ACM automated form collection system prior to four weeks before the conference. You need to directly submit the signed form to ACM upon receipt of the email notice from ACM.

 - Submission Website

If you do not have an author account, please create it in the conference system. If you have already had one, please upload your final manuscript (PDF), please visit the following site: and go into your author account, choose "In EDITING" (Paper Review) -> "Director Decision" -> "Upload Author Version".

If you would like to have your supplemental materials (such as videos, slides, etc.) included in the conference DVD to distribute at the conference, please submit them no later than the deadline as shown in Important Dates.

 (II) Registration

Panel/Panel+ speakers need to register by the early registration deadline as shown in Important Dates. Please visit conference website for the conference rates and the conference registration.