2014 in Washington DC & Online COM.Geo Virtual Conference
COM.Geo 2014 will
take place in Washington, DC, as well as be available online
at the COM.Geo Virtual Conference (COM.Geo VC), on August 4-6, 2014.
There will be more innovative programs and world-wide people to attend the conference physically or virtually.
Besides government agencies and top industries, many cross-disciplinary
companies are planning to not only show their latest technologies
but also explore tech & market potentials at the conference
as well as online COM.Geo VC.
COM.Geo 2014 will be a much more exciting event for geospatial
computing research and technologies!
COM.Geo 2014 Call for Presentations
2014 provides diverse opportunities for all decision-makers,
engineers, researchers, developers, and user across
industrial companies, government agencies, and
academic institutions, to present or demonstrate the
latest work or share the latest visions and ideas at
the COM.Geo conference, a leading geospatial
computing community. COM.Geo presentations include
Regular Papers/Short Papers/Briefing Papers,
Tech Talks/Demo Talks,
Demo Videos,
Hot Short Talks. Accepted manuscripts
appear in the COM.Geo 2014 proceedings, published
with IEEE and
appear in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, for world
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COM.Geo Conference
Proceedings Published by IEEE/ACM
conference proceedings are read and cited worldwide.
They have broad impact on the development of theory,
method and practice in geospatial computing research
and applications. Accepted manuscripts are published
by the top computing organizations, ACM and IEEE, and
appeared in the ACM and IEEE Digital Libraries for world distribution.
Please click to enter
conference publication archives in the IEEE &
ACM digital libraries.
COM.Geo 2014 Submission Deadlines
Regular Papers (6-8 pages)
March 31
Short Papers (4-5 pages)
April 14
Briefing Papers (2 pages)
May 19
Tech Talks / Demo Talks / Posters
June 2
Courses / Workshops
June 2
Panels / Panels+/Workshops
June 2
Hot Short Talks/Exhibitor Talks
June 30
COM.Geo 2014 Online Advertising from $25
COM.Geo conference is a
leading-edge conference
which focuses on the
hottest research and
applications across the
entire range of
computing and geospatial
fields, which can both
inform and inspire your
product development,
transform the results of
company's research into
the newest products,
best services, and great
sales. This year,
COM.Geo conference has
launched a new sponsor
and exhibit opportunity
with online adversising
from $25.
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