COM.Geo 2011 Conference Next Week -- Register NOW
COM.Geo 2011 Spotlight: Mobile Geospatial - Digital Earth on Mobile Phones and iPads
COM.Geo Final Program Available NOW
COM.Geo 2011 conference includes nearly 20
programs and events, such
as keynotes (NASA, U.S. FCC, Microsoft, OGC, DHS-FEMA), full papers,
short papers, tech talks, demo talks, posters, panels, courses,
OGC workshop, Microsoft workshop, demo show, reception, cruise,
banquet, exhibitions, etc. There are more than one hundred
presentations on innovative computer technologies for geospatial
research and applications. So far, there have been several
hundreds of
attendees from governments, industrial companies,
universities, and research organizations from more than
20+ countries.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security - FEMA
The Current State of Geospatial Modeling
Geospatial modeling has evolved
since it was first introduced in the early 80s. In the
past few years, the geospatial environment has exploded,
providing previously unattainable high-resolution
statistical data. Gone are the days of archaic
topographic two-dimensional maps, and introduced are
highly developed systems displaying ubiquitous
geospatial data. Time and money are being saved as crews
of experts are no longer data-collecting in the field.
This increased currency and precision created through
technological changes is directly impacting the
decisions planners are making day-to-day. Desktop-based
software is making way for cloud computing, allowing
increased user base and data sharing across the globe.
Mr. Berman will discuss the evolution of geospatial
modeling, how we got here, and future advancements. What
are the benefits of this new geospatial environment? How
can we leverage these new tools to more accurately
analyze data sets, and what environmental benefits will
this create?
Mr. Eric Berman is the current Hazus Program Manager for
the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). He has
approximately 20 years of hazard identification studies
and mapping experience with an emphasis on GIS. Mr.
Berman was recently among the recipients of Federal
Computer Week magazine's 22nd Annual "Federal 100
Awards" in Washington, DC, for his outstanding
leadership and work on the FEMA Hazus Program. He holds
a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering from Tennessee
Technological University and represents the Department
of Homeland Security on the U.S. Board on Geographic
Names. |
GIS Kit Demonstration of Field Data Collection and Large Dataset Visualization on the iPad 2
by Garafa is the ultimate tool for the mobile GIS
professional. Built as an evolution of the popular
iPhone/iPad app, GPS Kit, GIS Kit features
an even higher-performing map engine and adds raster
layers, shape file support, a completely redesigned
offline maps system, customizable attributes and
templates, cloud sharing, and the most complete KML,
GML, and WFS support of any iOS app. Many companies are
now turning to the iPad for its cost-effectiveness,
versatility, and ease of use. For those needing field
visualization, data collection, and/or collaboration, GIS
Kit will add a powerful yet simple solution.
(Tech/Demo Talk on Wednesday)