Accepted Papers
All the full papers (up to 10 pages) and short papers (up to
6 pages) have been well reviewed. Competitive
accepted papers will be published by ACM and
available in ACM Digital Library for world distribution.

Accepted Tech Talks, Posters, Demo Talks
The accepted Tech Talks (300-word abstracts or 2-page extended
abstracts), posters, and demo talks can be found

Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Workshop
Are you interested to write an application or a game and make it available on Windows Phone 7 devices through Microsoft’s Marketplace? At the workshop, we will demonstrate how you can build Windows Phone 7 applications or games, what tools are available, what public sector specific applications have been created, how you can publish your applications, etc. We will answer any questions you may have about Windows Phone 7. So come on over and join us in this fun workshop. Bring your computer if you like. Or, you can play with our demo phones and pre-installed applications.
Call for Posters/Demo Talks -
Deadline April 10, 2011
Please follow the
Posters and
Demo Talks
submission guidelines to submit your proposal into the
COM.Geo conference system.
Invitation to Sponsor & Exhibit
COM.Geo 2011 offers organizations maximum exposure and
recognition with this great event. Take advantage of these great
promotional opportunities and select the level of sponsorship
best suited for your organization.
Early Registration Deadline -- April 10, 2011
(Save up to $200)
2011 conference online registration is open.
The Early Registration deadline is April 10, 2011.
The Conference Banquet with a plenary session will be held on
the exceptional and unforgettable Odyssey Cruise in Washington DC.

COM.Geo Job Fair for Government, Industry, and Academia
COM.Geo Jobs Site Open -- Free
Posting and Browsing